Monday, January 12, 2009

Chronicles of My Life .... A New Journey

My usual Saturday mornings usually begin by picking up Terri and Christian for breakfast and spending 2- 3 hours in the vicinity of Desa Sri Hartamas while Terri attends her weekly cake decorating course.  Last Saturday was completely different as I hauled up myself in a pleasant and enchanting environment amongst 16 people seeking to be healed under the guidance of 2 Godsend beings. This session was highlighted by a dear friend of mine, Geraldine.

Not realising in the beginning but this experience was truly a start in journey that I've longed for. This experience was simply called "The Family Constellations". It is a configuration of ideas, feelings, characteristics and intuitions. Its an experience where our inner feelings and souls communicate in healing and reaching out to beings that are going through mishaps of life which seem to have made it through and living well in our systems. 

It was a 2 day event where most of us poured out our sorrows and anguish in a group that hardly no one knew each other. Each cases were analysed well and eminent results were achieved. For a first timer, it could be a complete awe but as when the mechanics of the healing process begins to wheel every individual will realise the importance of a family. Many elements that we've failed to see, realise or even ignored when they were just right in front us. These issues may have been brushed off with ease as at that time it could have been as what it may have been seen as a microgerm sized issue. Just be prepared as these puny "things" could turn out to be one of the greatest problem for an individual.

I wouldn't want to share in here the details as we have a mutual understanding among us but what I can share is that this 2 day journey has opened up many closed pores of pain and realisations of a family. I wouldn't dare say that I am healed but I wouldn't hesitate to say that will go all out with great determination to be healed.

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